It’s been a busy year, and it is great to be back to the pre-COVID level. Thank you all for your support. 

The girls have had a busy year, and I have tried to share some of their activities with you on our social media platforms, Facebook and Instagram. If you do not follow us, please take the time to click to follow us, as it enables me to know who is watching and how often I need to post. The engagement results are low, and this was requested on last year's engagement questionnaire, so please take the time and pass it on to others within the school. 

I've been diligently working on allocating places for next year, striving to accommodate all of you. Additionally, I'm in discussions with the school about expanding the wraparound provision. This could potentially eliminate the waiting list. Rest assured; I'll keep you updated as soon as we finalise these plans. 

Child information sheets will be out shortly, so please keep an eye on your e-mail inbox for them. This will complete your booking for September 2024. 

The engagement questionnaire will be sent out again in June 2024 so we can gather valuable feedback from you on what you think of the provision and how we can improve it to meet your needs and the needs of your daughters. 

Thanks again for your support, and I am here. If you need anything, please contact me via the query form on this website, on Facebook, or at office@ejfassociates.co.uk.